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The Ugly Truth About House Plants Tall

 Top 5 House Plants Tall Plants in the home can make any space feel more inviting. They do not just provide a splash of color but some varieties also improve air quality and emit a pleasant smell. If you're who want to add a touch of greenery with a little more height, here are the best tall houseplants that will increase in size to amazing heights. African Candelabra The African Candelabra has narrow, dark-green leaves that are highly decorative. Its coarse texture helps differentiate it from other landscape plants with more fine foliage. It is also admired because it produces fruit in summer. To maximize the ability of the plant to produce fruit, it is important to maintain healthy and healthy foliage. If the plant doesn't get enough water, it could get root rot very quickly and stop producing fruit. Other issues include fungal infections and natural thinning of the fruit due to maturing. Euphorbia ingens, also known as the African Candelabra Tree or Good Luck Cactus, is a fast-growing succulent that can reach up to 36 to 49 feet (12 to 15 meters) tall when grown outdoors, and much shorter when it is used as a houseplant. The plant produces tall, thorny stems that are covered with yellow-green flowers that look like three-lobed caps. Cuttings are the most common method of propagating African Candelabra. It is important to use gloves and goggles while handling the plant because its stems produce milky sap. Before taking a cutting clean the plant with cold water to eliminate any milky sap that remains from the stem. After rinsing the cutting, it needs to be allowed to dry for two days. After that been dried, the cut can be replanted in a well-drained soil. African Fig Ficus cyathistipula also known as African fig is a tropical houseplant which has long round, dark green leaves. It's easy to maintain, and makes a great large indoor plant since it can grow fast in the right conditions. It's also on NASA's list of clean air plants which removes harmful substances such as formaldehyde from the environment. Fiddle leaf figs thrive in humid and warm conditions. They thrive in bright indirect sunlight, but can tolerate some direct sunlight too. Watering in the morning or evening is best to avoid the evaporation. Water the soil to the depth of 2 to 3 inches. Over-watering can cause rot and other problems. It is tolerant of low humidity levels, but will benefit from misting every once every once in a while. It is important to water the plant regularly throughout the growing season and reduce it to once or twice a week in cooler temperatures. It requires a light and balanced fertilizer to encourage vigorous growth. Feed it once or twice every month with a light fertilizer for your houseplants in the spring and summer months, as well as in autumn. Avoid fertilizing in winter months as this could result in 'fertilizer burning'. If your fig with fiddle leaf has brown leaves or spots, it may be suffering from overwatering or low humidity. It could also be a sign that it's receiving too much sunlight, so you should relocate it to a more shaded area. Swiss Cheese Plant Swiss cheese plant is also called Monstera delicasa or custard vine. It is a beautiful tropical plant that can make an impressive home plant. The large leaves are covered with holes that look like Swiss cheese. These fenestrations help the plant absorb sunlight to produce photosynthesis, which produces oxygen. The leaves also function as dust collectors, and can help prevent dry skin and respiratory infections. Swiss-cheese plants thrive best in indirect, warm light. It is recommended to limit direct sunlight to a couple of hours a day. This protects the leaves from burning and it can stop the fenestration pattern from getting faded. It is essential to select a soil mix that drains well when you grow Swiss-cheese indoors. A mix consisting of one part perlite, three parts peat-based pot soil or coconut coir, and one part orchid bark performs well. The orchids prefer an environment that is slightly acidic with high humidity. They are able to be misted from time to time to provide humidity to the air. This plant is a good option for beginners as well as experienced gardeners, as it will grow well if given moderate attention. It's a fast-growing, easy to cultivate plant. It's also possible to grow the plant from seeds that are available at a variety of gardening stores and online retailers. The seeds should be placed in a shallow tray with moistened seed starting mix and lightly covered. The seeds should begin to germinate within a week or so. Umbrella Papayrus Umbrella papayrus also known as umbrella papyrus or umbrella sedge is a semi-aquatic plant that thrives in a warm, moist environment similar to an indoor pond. It is native to West Africa, Madagascar, and the Arabian Peninsula but can grow as a plant for the home in a variety of USDA zones. This plant is tall and belongs to the family of sedges. It is a sedge that grows on rhizomes that are covered in leafy bracts, which resemble the spokes of an umbrella. During summer the plant produces ugly flower spikelets that are green and brown in color. Water your Umbrella Grass often, but be careful not to overwater. You can achieve this by using drip tray that does not drain or by keeping the container in which the plant is growing topped up. It is recommended to fertilize the plant two times a year with a slow-release product that contains low salts. Another great way to help your Umbrella Grass to remain healthy and lush is to cut it regularly. This can be done by removing dead stems when they appear, as well as trimming the edges of the leaves to encourage growth. The plant can be unstable and might not like being cut too hard. Yucca Yucca plants are trendy house plant that adds texture and style to any space. Their sword-shaped leaves and their naked trunks are often put together to create a chic plant style that's ideal for any minimalist or modern home. The plants are also noted for their air purifying properties, removing harmful allergens and chemicals from the air in your home. The yucca can withstand both indoor and outdoor conditions. However, it is best to plant the plant in the sun and in a warm area with well-drained ground. Incorporating organic matter into the soil is suggested to improve drainage and air circulation. These plants need only a little water, however it is essential to supply them with enough moisture to prevent their roots from drying out. Fertilize yucca plants once a month, in the growing season. Use liquid fertilizer or controlled release according to the instructions on the label. Avoid over-fertilizing as this can lead to an appearance that is brown and shriveled. Keep your yucca plants out of the reach of pets and children, as it contains saponins that can be toxic if ingested. If consumed, these substances can cause dizziness, weakness, drooling and vomiting in humans and small animals. The ASPCA declares this plant as being poisonous to cats, dogs, and horses. It is also an invasive wild weed. It's important that you get rid of any unwanted sprouts. This will help the environment by stopping other plants from competing for resources. ZZ Plant The ZZ plant requires little maintenance and is ideal for offices or other indoor spaces. The leaves are wide and can grow to an average height of two to three feet. It does not require much attention. It can withstand droughts, neglect and low-light conditions. According to a NASA report it is a great air purifier. It is capable of removing volatile organic compounds such as the xylene and benzene-toluene compounds through its roots. The roots of the plant are tuber-like, and can store water, which can help make the plant resistant to excessive watering. ZZ plants require watering about every two to three weeks. However, house plants online is essential to let the soil dry between waterings. Overwatering can result in wrinkled, wilting and yellowing leaves, as well as root rot. The plant prefers a well-draining soil that has a mixture of rocky, chunky and inert materials incorporated into the mix. It is tolerant of normal home humidity levels, but it will benefit from a humidifier or pebble tray to boost the humidity of your home. The ZZ Plant contains calcium oxalate which can be irritating to dogs and cats when ingested. This plant should be kept out the reach of pets and children, in case they nibble at its leaves. You can propagate ZZ Plants by dividing their rhizomes or cutting stems. Stem cuttings are more difficult to propagate but you can expect the plant to begin growing roots within a few months.

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